Patten to Offer Lego Robotics Class for Children
Registration will open on Monday, March 12 for a five-week Lego Robotics class for children in grades two to four. The free classes will be on Tuesday afternoons from April 3 through May 8 (excluding the April vacation week) from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Participants will learn fundamentals of coding by working with “WeDo 2.0” Lego Robotics kits; each kit has motors, bricks, sensors, and Lego parts for creating simple machines that can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks. Participants will build different “robots” and create simple block coding using an iPad app specifically designed by Lego.
Pre-registration is required, and class size is limited to six. We will accept up to three boys and three girls for the spots. If there are more registrants than spaces, there will be a lottery for the spots, and the Library will run the series again to accommodate all interested participants.
Jon Huntington of the Sunrise Rotary Club will provide the instruction for the classes, with assistance from several members of the Library’s middle school robotics group.
“Our middle school robotics group has had such a great time with the Lego Mindstorms kits,” says Roberta Jordan, an outreach and instruction librarian at Patten. “We were thrilled to learn about the elementary school version of the program. We were able to purchase three kits, and think these will provide a great opportunity to build our robotics program at the elementary level.”
To register or to inquire, contact Roberta Jordan by email (rjordan@patten.lib.me.us) or by phone (443-5141, ext. 25).